V-Education Consultancy Pvt Ltd.,

Study MBBS In Russia

Study MBBS In Russia

The study of MBBS in Russia is well-known in India because, dating back to 1996, the Indian scholars who were obsessed to become doctors began to travel here. In 25 years, over 6,000 doctors have come back to India, and about 10,000 scholars are studying MBBS in non-pricey 48 MCI accredited Russian Universities.

Many have resided abroad working in different hospitals after finishing their MBBS study in Europe. Medical institutions for MBBS in Russia acknowledged by MCI opened fresh avenues for scholars in India. As of last year, Russian MBBS colleges with cheap costs attracted over 2,000 students from India. Russian Medical education is well-known all through India.

Furthermore, India’s Russian MBBS degree is official, thanks to the MCI accredited MBBS colleges in Russia. Not all offer the most excellent education, and many scholars are studying just in the best 10 medical universities in Russia.


Academic Session of MBBS colleges in Russia

  1. Russian medical universities usually start their academic session in September. The session for MBBS 1st year students is supposed to start from the 1st of October. (variations can be there).

    There are 2 semesters in an educational year, September to January month and February to June. 1st-semester examinations are held in January month whereas second-semester exams are held in June. The Winter vacation is from 20th January. to 7th February. and summer vacation is from 15th July to 31st August.

Eligibility for studying MBBS in Russia

  1. Admissions are based on the past academic scores of applicants. Some basic criteria to be eligible:

    • The applicant has at least 50% marks in 10+2in science subjects.
    • The candidate must be 17 years of age by December 31 of the year of admission to MBBS in Russia.

Samara State Medical University

Samara State Medical University was organized in 1919 when in accordance with the Decree of People’s Commissars of the RSFSR medical faculty was opened at the Samara State University. For almost an age-old history of its development, our university has passed along, In many ways an innovative way and has turned into one of the largest and most authoritative universities in Russia.

University today – is a modern multi-level system of continuous training of civilian specialists with higher medical, pharmaceutical, economic and humanitarian education from secondary schools to doctoral studies.

High-rank University Samara State Medical University confirms the wide spectrum of educational and scientific activities. The University consists of 11 faculties and 80 departments, private clinics, and 3 educational institutions. The high scientific potential of the university is determined by 7 research institutes.

Today the University has a high social and state recognition. So, lately, Samara State Medical University became the winner of the competition “European quality” in the “hundred best universities of Russia”, and the rector of the university academician GP Kotelnikov thrice confessed “Rector of the Year” and was awarded a personal diploma as a university manager of the XXI century and the Scientist of the Year. He received a personal diploma when awarded the University with the International Prize “Profession – Life”.

The university has extensive academic links with foreign universities – it is part of the International Association of Medical Schools in Europe. University scientists have made a significant contribution to the development of national and world medical science. For a number of research directions, University occupies a leading position in the country and enjoys a good reputation in Russia and abroad.

The 6 dissertation councils in 15 specialties universities work successfully. Training of researchers in graduate and doctoral studies carried out on 38 specialties.

  • Medical Faculty
  • Medical-prophylactic faculty
  • Faculty of Dentistry
  • Faculty of Pediatrics
  • Faculty of Pharmacy
  • Department of Medical Psychology
  • Economics and Management Faculty of Health
  • Faculty training foreign students
  • Preparatory Faculty
  • Faculty of teacher training and retraining

Nursing, Social Work, Management, General Medicine, Pediatrics, Dentistry, Preventive Health, Pharmacy, Clinical Psychology.